About us

The University of South Wales (USW) is a vocationally-focused university, preparing students to support key industries now, and in the future. Employers work closely with USW to co-create curriculum that supports their future needs. This provides them with a skilled and relevant workforce that they can rely on with a large pipeline of graduates coming out of USW and our partner institutions each year. We are generating the workforce that employers tell us they want and need.

We are a multi-disciplinary university with a strong track record for our partnerships, widening access,  and student success, with almost half of students at USW coming from areas within the bottom two quintiles of the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) – significantly above above average for higher education institutions in Wales and the UK.

Study with us

The teaching and research during an undergraduate course at USW connect you to the world around us, engaging you with challenges and opportunities to make tomorrow better. These courses typically take three years to complete.

From projects based on working practices to time in the workplace, the skills you will need in your career are built into the curriculum, and our teaching is informed by employers.

You will learn in environments that recreate the workplace giving you a hands-on experience. This ensures you’ll be ready for the workplace and have the confidence to succeed.

South Wales

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About us